Revenue E-Brief on ETFs

Are you prepared to pay for "bespoke taxation advice"?

I am sure that they will be delighted to help, for a fee
Just wondering what other investors in these us domiciled etfs are doing now. My position is that I do not have enough information on where they fall. There is no advantage for me to sell them now as I don't have any loss relief to avail of anyway. If there is a big sell off in stocks next year I might use that as an opportunity to exit them and buy investment trusts or normal stocks instead.
There is such an information vacuum with regard to these etfs that I think it would be silly to take drastic action in the next month . Surely some accounting firm could provide bespoke taxation advice with regard to these investments over the next few years anyways
I sold my ETFs, they were bought as a hassle free investment and when Revenue withdrew their guidance, they no longer were that.
I sold my ETFs, they were bought as a hassle free investment and when Revenue withdrew their guidance, they no longer were that.
Do you have much cgt to pay or do you have some loss relief to use to reduce down the capital gains?
Do you have much cgt to pay or do you have some loss relief to use to reduce down the capital gains?
I sold other shares afterwards at a loss to offset some of the gains, I had been thinking of cutting my losses on those shares for a while, the CGT reduction helped soften the blow.
Has anyone got any clear updated guidance from Revenue on the tax situation with regards to non EU ETFs in Ireland? I've read this thread and I would like to know if anyone has any new information? The establishment frequent (or are controlling) a lot of the online sites now so it's no wonder that this move has come into play.
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