Discharged Bankrupt and possible wrong reporting to the CCR


Registered User
Hiya folks.
So. The recession got me and I was forced into Bankruptcy is Jan 2018. I was then discharged in Jan 2019. I went back to school, retrained, recently got a new, well paid job and am looking forward to the future.
I saved a couple of thousand in the credit union and then took out a loan - even though I did not need one, to try and start rebuilding a finanacial history. It was only 3k and is fully in order with a balance of 900 at present. The idea was if there was a disaster, I could approach them for a loan if I really needed it. As I had more than 3k in the credit union, it was rubber stamped easily.
My issue is, I ran a CCR report this week and I see Avantcard seem to be still reporting my revoked credit card as still due. Most recent date is 2021/9 I have attached a screen capture. I thought it should have been underlined back in 2018, but no, it is different to everything else. Is this an error or is this correct? What is the time scale for this to disappear off my records or are the records forever.

Thank all.


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